Brandie E Blackler - Analyst & Educator

Brandie E Blackler

Analyst & Educator




Emerging markets and trends, economics and fundamental analysis.

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EFPA Luxembourg


EFPA Europian Financial Advisor - Brandie Blackler

With a versatile background spreading across experience in general finance, emerging technologies and digital marketing/branding, Brandie E Blackler has gained much experience over the last 14 years of her finance career by initially investing in stocks from the age of 16 and by 19, investing in residential real estate.

Over a decade later, Brandie is soon to be EFA-certified via EFPA Luxembourg and currently works as an independent contractor for the Admirals online brokerage (since 2019).

Her focus as an Analyst and Educator in the financial sector involves the cryptocurrency market, emerging markets and trends, personal finance and fundamental analysis. Brandie has a general interest in micro/macroeconomics, sustainability, identifying new trends and regenerative finance.