Franco Macchiavelli - Analyst & Educator

Franco Macchiavelli

Analyst & Educator




Macroeconomics, monetary analysis, investment, derivatives, and investing psychology

Joined Admirals in



European Financial Advisor certified by EFPA Spain


Franco Macchiavelli - certificate

At a very young age, he entered the financial markets managing private equity, where he had the opportunity to acquire an in-depth knowledge of investment systems, markets, and platforms, before moving on to work in the heart of brokerage.

European Financial Advisor certified by EFPA Spain (licence number: 35591) with more than 10 years of experience in private equity analysis and management.

Experienced in communication and public speaking

Experience in brokerage, analysis, research, training, strategy development, client and investor relations, and accountability.

Regular contributor to spanish media: Negocios TV, Capital Radio, Thomson Reuters (Spanish), Expansión, elEconomista, - Stock Market Quotes & Financial News , Yahoo Finanzas, Estrategias de inversión, RTVE, Europa Press.